The Best Kept Secrets of Ebay Merchants

The Best Kept Secrets of Ebay Merchants

Ebay has spawned some wild stories of rags-to-riches wealth. Some of those tales are true, but instant Ebay millionaires are far outweighed by the legions of Ebayers who make a decent living doing something they enjoy. (And isn’t that good enough?) Still, so many of us can’t help but look at these top power sellers and wonder what they know that we don’t. What’s the secret to their success?
Some foundations of success aren’t secret at all; it still takes good old fashioned hard work and customer service to become a top seller on Ebay. That being the case, there are still a few tips and tricks that separate casual hobbyists from serious Ebay merchants.
#1. Keyword Managers. Keywords are all the rage these days. Web pages with plenty of relevant words will show up on web searches. Likewise, auctions with relevant, highly searched terms will show up in Ebay searches. How do you know which terms buyers are searching for? There are subscription programs such as Keyword Pro and Ebay Pulse that generate lists of the most frequently searched terms in any given category. Add some of these terms to your own listings to increase views. (Just be sure that the words are relevant to the actual item. Nobody likes a keyword spammer, least of all Ebay.)
#2. Typo Searches. It’s a sad truth that there are some poor spellers on the Internet. When they become online merchants, they lose business because their misspelled items never turn up in Ebay searches. Luckily, Fatfingers.Com is a free web site that lets you search for common misspellings on Ebay. For example, I searched for the term “scarf”. I was then sent to Ebay’s web site, where a search was run for “sacrf”, “sxarf”, and several other typos of “scarf”. It’s amazing how many items you can find at low prices just because they were listed with incorrect spelling. Many sellers capitalize on these misspelled items, buying them low and selling them high. Let this be a lesson to prospective Ebay merchants: proofread your listings. Twice.
#3. Data Analyzers. Offline businesses use data analysis before making their decisions, so why shouldn’t you? Imagine knowing which items are selling like hot cakes and which ones aren’t really taking off. You could minimize your risk by avoiding slow sellers and snapping up soon-to-be-hot items at a discount. There are software packages that actually analyze Ebay’s data to see what’s really selling and what’s not. Hot Item Finder ( is one such program. Experts agree that they can save many hours of research each week by using data analyzers. There is also a program called Auction Yen which runs analysis for Want It Now listings. It pays to know what customers really want, so these programs come highly recommended.
#4. Selling Managers. It’s vitally important to keep track of your inventory and auction listings. Ebay offers a selling manager for a low monthly cost. This online tool helps sellers track and customize their listings, print shipping labels, and more. Sellers tout this one as another great time saver.
It’s no secret that you can make a lot of money on Ebay. With these tips from the top Ebay sellers, you’ll be smiling all the way to the bank.

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